Our Team

AUR+A is based in San Francisco for the US and London for Europe.

IMG_8798 2.JPGJosephine DeclerckCEO
As CEO, Josephine handles day to day business operations, as well as our external collaborations with our clients and partners. French and British, Josephine can often be found in San Francisco, London or Stockholm.
Menil.pngMenil VukovicCTO
With 15 years of software engineering experience at Pear Shadows, Jitjatjo and TinyBeans, Menil leads AUR+A's cutting-edge technology.
adnanbuljubasic.jpegAdnan BuljubašićLead Software Engineer
Adnan brings expertise in both native mobile app development (iOS/Android) and full-stack web development, crafting high-quality, scalable solutions. Driven by a passion for clean code and continuous learning,
Bart-Porrtait_1024px.pngBarthélémy Massot Product Lead
As a Product Designer, Barthélémy crafts intuitive and impactful experiences for our users, blending insights from user research with creative design solutions. He collaborates closely with our development team, often prototyping and testing to ensure seamless functionality.
1689088549242.jpgJames CallenderAdvisor
With 15 years of software engineering experience at Apple, Uber and Humane, James advices AUR+A.
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